Saturday, August 23, 2008

PUA Untold Story 3

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Sat, 23 Aug 2008

He is the original ultimate Manwhore, one of the smoothest talkers in the game, founder of the prestigious, ChivalruswalrusManwhores. When it comes to debauchery no one can play deep as this prophet. Sadly we do not see him much anymore for he comes and goes to our beloved mother land as he seldom visit home place of havaianas country.

The legendary Manwhore wearing the chick magnet over sized Mexican hat

We all followed his footsteps, never to be unrecognized by his Senyor Don stance, white overall and mexican hat that caucasians really love. "Olah chikko, can I play your burrito?" Honestly, people don't know why these innocent ladies flock unto you, from models to mother superioras. Was told that secrets can be found between his warm sheets and irresistable sparkling smile.

The community misses you, Lord sir... Parties unbalanced with out your limbo. Its not the end of your samba amigo, don't over exert your Archer GPA brother.

Let the nachos, jalapenos and cheeze roll down the beef..

Taataah tatahh ta tahhh.... Tequilah!

Gossip boy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gossip Boy, you are young to disc world and it's manwhoring. Do some research and see what you can find on the original of originals...the almighty founders of the French Connection and Band of the Hand.